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SuperBotics MultiTech Proudly organizes a Tech Workshop on ARDUINO which is a single-board micro controller to make the use of electronics in multidisciplinary projects more accessible. The hardware consists of an open-source hardware board designed around the 8-bit Atmel AVR micro controller, or a 32-bit Atmel ARM. The software consists of a standard programming language compiler and a boot loader that executes on the Micro controller.  Arduino is only just MCU Board but its programming and software IDE made it more usable for every engineer on the planet. Its as simple as saying a person do this or do it this way. With the power of micro controllers in hand students can create marvels just by seeing 1000’s of tutorial and open source libraries for programming. Arduino comes in various flavors with ability to run the same code on all flavors of Arduino. We train students with basic of Arduino, how to use them, how to get them and its accessories.

Why Tech Workshop in SuperBotics MultiTech ?

Students get the following benefits of attending this Tech Workshop,

  • Complete insight into Modern Microcontroller Technology.
  • Confidence to undertake their own projects without the  help of project centres.
  • Understanding Microcontrollers develops the seed of innovation.
  • Best project will be funded by us.
  • Internship will be provided to the most innovative project.